Trainings and Events
Organizing for Mission Network is dedicated to equipping leaders with the tools that faith communities and individuals need to address systemic injustice and create the world we want to live in.
Contextual Gathering
This annual 3-day event is hosted by a network member. It includes contextual learning, trainings, opportunities to build relationships with other practitioners, and spiritual formation.
Our last contextual gathering was May 9-11, 2024 in Seattle, WA
5 Day Training
OFMN has developed a 5-day training that gives leaders the foundation needed to engage communities in building collective power is service of God's liberating work.
These trainings have been held in-person and online.
Local and Regional Cohorts
OFMN works with local leadership to develop cohorts that organize with lenses of equity, spirituality, and place based issues.
If you are interested in developing your cohort, reach out to our director, Br. Steve.
Train the Trainer
Sharpen your skills, develop your story, and be part of a team of invested trainers who provide one another transformative & agitational evaluations
Developing Leaders
Our trainings focus on specific learning outcomes for leaders
All OFMN events
Our lenses inform our community
We are a deeply relational community that equips leaders to practice the arts of faith-filled community organizing and grounded spirituality, with a framework of racial and economic equity to generate transformation in our lives, congregations, and communities.
Contextual Gatherings
3 day trainings, rooted in a member community
In these gatherings, our members are the experts as we learn together how the faith based organizing is transforming lives and communities. Alongside the place-based learning, we offer trainings designed to meet the experiences of all our participants. This is a place to develop relationships, strengthen coalitions, sharpen skills, and practice training.
5 Day Faith-based community organizing training
The foundational experience for all organizers
Taught by a team of community organizers, ministers, and practitioners, this training covers the basics of faith-filled organizing. We engage our lenses of racial and economic equity, place based approaches, and liberating theology. This is for leaders who are ready to build practical skills for the devleopment of their congregations and communities and engage in public ministry in the world
Train the Trainers
Developing the next circle of leaders
OFMN has always been a learning and leading community. By participating in our train the trainer opportunities, network members receive the investment of organizing leaders and experts through coaching and practice with a variety of organizing modules. Our goal is to develop a bench of trainers, able to multiple the efforts and effectiveness of the network in local contexts and regional cohorts.