Spring Contexual Gathering
May 9-11, 2024
Seattle, WA
Community Stewardship of Land
Church Council of Greater Seattle
Our host for this gathering is the Church Council of Greater Seattle. Through their Faith Land Initiative, CCGS leads congregations through the organizing spiral to discern faithful use of land and resources.
Friday, May 10
Moving along the spiral - uncovering issues, building toward action
8:30 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Gathering at University Congregational UCC and Opening Sessions
12:00 pm Lunch On-Site
1:00 pm Afternoon Sessions
5:00 pm Dinner on your own
Saturday, May 11
Thursday, May 9
Building power with the organizing spiral
8:30 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Gathering at University Congregational UCC and Opening Sessions
12:15 pm Lunch On-Site
1:30 pm Afternoon Sessions
5:00 pm Dinner on your own
7:00 pm Worship with Rev. Sekou and the Valley & Mountain ensemble
Imagining our future
8:30 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Gathering at University Congregational UCC and Opening Sessions
12:00 pm Lunch On-Site
1:00 pm Afternoon Sessions
2:00 pm Closing and Blessing

Who is this for?
Registration is now open
Lodging Info
A block of rooms is reserved at the Watertown Hotel in the University District of Seattle.
Rooms are $172 per night for single or double occupancy.
If you are booking a single room or booking for you and your roommate:
Click on the button below or call 866-866-7977.
Use the code OFMN24
If you need OFMN to assign you a roommate:
Indicate that on your registration form or reach out to Br. Steve
The last day to make a reservation and receive the group rate is Wednesday, April 17th.

Our planning team
Rev. Shalom Agtarap
First Church of Tacoma (UMC), Common Good Tacoma
Tacoma, WA
Joey Lopez
Co-Executive Director,
Church Council of Greater Seattle,
Seattle, WA
E.N. West
Lead Organizer & Co-Founder, Faith Land Iniative, Church Council of Greater Seattle,
Seattle, WA
Br. Steve Jerbi
Organizing for Mission Network,
Seattle, WA
Julia Nielsen
Executive Organizer,
Leaven Community Land & Housing Coalition,
Portland, OR
Chelsea Kadovitz Gallen
Ministries Coordinator,
American Lutheran Church,
Burbank, CA
Rev. Anna Rieke
St. John United Lutheran Church
Seattle, WA